goodbye, miss dunleavy

May 6th, 2010

goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye
miss dunleavy, miss dunleavy
rolls off the tongue, rolls off the tongue

goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye
those words bring a tear to my eye
you did your bit, for my boy
goodbye, miss dunleavy, goodbye

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No goodbye

May 6th, 2010

He turned for one last look at the children and walked away. They carried on playing with their friends, laughing and screaming as kids do, taking no notice of the fact that he was going. Turning a corner he was out of sight and soon he could no longer hear them. He shoved his hands in his pockets and quickened his pace.

Singapore Sunrise

May 6th, 2010

It is five-thirty a.m. and the sun’s not yet risen. It’s uncomfortably warm and the air I breathe, so still, so heavy and damp I’d like to wring it dry, smells of the surrounding jungle. My shirt and shorts stick to me like khaki cling-film. And it will be even warmer when the sun’s up. To my left, pale green at the horizon, the eastern sky prepares for its arrival.

Through the dispersal hut window I look out onto concrete where, fifty yards away, a Handley Page Victor SR2 is being prepared for take-off. Her crew-chief, Read the rest of this entry »


May 6th, 2010

Walking back from doing my civic duty this morning I passed a chap struggling, one-handed, to manipulate a large wheelie bin along the pavement. In his other hand was a mobile phone, clamped to his ear.

Chap: “Oh aye, you’re off for a week now aren’t you ?”

Mobile phone: “I’M OFF FOR A WEEEEEEEEEK !!!!!!”

It made me smile


May 3rd, 2010

                         Stormy, obdurate emotions,

                         hypochondriacal notions,

                         pustules, piles,

                         prescriptions, potions,

                         pills and epidermal lotions,

                         Read the rest of this entry »

early start

May 3rd, 2010

05.30 am
on the road
little traffic
brain not in gear

mist lies low
on the ground,
primordial swamp

caffeine be good
but I need miles
before the world wakes
and sees me gone


the code

May 3rd, 2010


destiny mediocrity

May 1st, 2010

what makes you think you matter or make a difference? your footfall makes no imprint. no noise above the sound of deafening mediocrity. no matter how big your shoes you are irrelevant. forget it, as you are already forgotten.

Rainfall measurement techniques #1

May 1st, 2010
  1. hold spectacles horizontally at arm’s length, front of lenses pointing upwards
  2. remember where the door is (this bit is to a large extent dependent on your prescription strength)
  3. open door and quickly thrust arm out as far as you can reach – note no upward sweeping movements of arm
  4. have independent timekeeper count to five seconds – recommend the one thousand and one, one thousand and two etc method
  5. outstretched arm must be free of all interference – ensure no collateral precipitation occurs from guttering, pub sign above door etc. artificial drips play havoc with the measurements and lessen the accuracy of  results.  if Read the rest of this entry »

Action Shot – Douglas Head

April 20th, 2010

Copy of IMG_8995

Copy of IMG_8996

Copy of IMG_8997

Numbers Game

April 19th, 2010







the #ashtag rap

April 19th, 2010

When I was in Tesco – looking for Tabasco
I came across a shelf that was empty of goods
I asked them where the sauce was they said they had no more because
The volcanic ash cloud stopped all the planes


April 18th, 2010

 It’s Tommy this and Tommy that

And kick him out, the brute

Rudyard Kipling

The vehicle’s new, in fact not quite finished, and you’re yet to see what it can do. You think the road ahead is clear. But it’s a high performer, it’s temperamental and you’re not quite au fait with the gears.

So it is with youth on its way to maturity. And leaving home to join the Air Force as I did at seventeen, there was no parent in the passenger seat advising me to slow down, no back-seat older siblings pointing the way.

Fresh out of training, I was posted to RAF Marham in Norfolk to help maintain radar equipment fitted to the Vickers Valiants stationed there at the time. Flight Sergeant George Tomkin, known as Tommy to his subordinates though not to his face, was my boss.

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April 17th, 2010

shoulders slump
eyes shut I can hear birds in the garden
the spring sunshine streams through the conservatory roof
heart beat slows almost to a halt, head nods forward, soon I will no longer be awake…………………………………………………………………………

dog quotes from Saturday 17th April

April 17th, 2010

I saw a man walking a dog. I thought it was a pig.

woof woof. all dogs must be kept on a lead. woof woof.

it’s a dog’s life.

come by shep, wheeet, wheeet.
