Posts Tagged ‘parentmail’

Parentmail 11th January 2011 – precautions against ‘swine flu’

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Our ref: PS/PMM
11 January 2010
Dear Parent/Guardian

We are writing to you in response to recent information about ‘Swine Flu’.

As you are no doubt aware there are predictions of an increase in ‘Swine Flu’ incidents.

The school has a full policy in place for any outbreak of ‘Swine Flu’ within the school and has implemented this.

If you believe that your son or daughter has ‘Swine Flu’ you should follow the national advice provided by the NHS .

On this website the NHS list the symptoms as fever or high temperature (over 38?C/100.4?) and two or
more of the following symptoms:

Unusual tiredness, headache, runny nose sore throat, shortness of breath or cough, loss of
appetite, aching muscles, diarrhoea or vomiting.

Please do not send your child to school if they have or you suspect they have ‘Swine Flu’.

As a community there are some simple precautions that we can all take to minimize the effect of
any out-break, these include:

  • please send your son or daughter to school with some anti-viral hand wash and some disposable tissues
  • washing hands frequently with soap and warm water, or using an anti-viral hand rub to reduce the spread of the virus from the hands to the face or to other people, particularly after blowing the nose or disposing of tissues.
    covering the nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
  • disposing of dirty tissue promptly and carefully, bagging and binning them
  • minimising contact between hands and mouth/nose
  • regularly cleaning frequently touched hard surfaces (eg kitchen worktops, door handles) using normal cleaning products.

Yours sincerely,

The Headmaster

We got this letter via email recently – it’s a work of art in itself and of its time.