Milkman came at quarter past six this morning

Milkman came at quarter past six this morning. That’s quite late for him. Not really a surprise considering it’s cold and ‘orrible out there and he has to drive from Newark. It was my turn to make the tea so I struggled up twenty minutes later. Our central heating is playing up but with a little help from moi it came on this morning so that is good.

Yesterday’s snow is rapidly vanishing but it is still a day for layers. Been trying to think about clothing options for trefbash. It’s not what to wear for the bash but more what I wear for the walk home at two in the morning. I don’t want to leave anything there for picking up the next day and I don’t want to cart too much back with me. Can’t see a way around taking a bag for my jacket. It is too bulky to fit under any coat that might be suitable for the weather ie something an eskimo might be seen in. I’ll be walking as finding a cab at two am in central London will be near impossible.

I recall the night before the very first trefbash Ajax and I were staying in a cheap hotel near Waterloo. It was a freezing night, well below zero. The lad had put on a party shirt and light coat appropriate for warm night clubs and pubs. I had a thermal lined coat with a very thick woolly hat. Pleasantly warm.

Walking back to the hotel from Ronnie Scotts Ajax was totes freezing and we had to stop at McDonalds at Charing Cross Station to get him a coffee. I’d quite like a Maccy Ds after trefbash but most of them are closed by the time I leave the club and those that aren’t, the same one on the Strand that Ajax and I went to thirteen years ago has long queues outside. A kebab would be even better but central london seems to be a fast food desert at that time of night. I always stay within sensible walking distance since then.

The packing has started. I always have a load of props to take down to London. This is an insurance policy against the squares that rock up in business gear. You know who you are. A load of engineers usually just turn up in jeans and t-shirt and ironically with this year’s theme being ‘music festival’ that would not be inappropriate. However some embellishment is still required 🙂

There is still work being done in the big wide world of commerce although minds are really very much starting to turn towards the party season.

In the shed all is calm. There are constant drips on the roof as the snow continues to turn to cold water. V cold water. Don’t want one of those drips down the back of your neck do you?

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