Monday 25th July – summer continues in the Davies house

good night’s sleep fwiw

Another quiet night in last night. Watched a Beach Boys documentary. Pet Sounds. V good.  Saw the Beach Boys at Wembley Arena a long time ago. The amazing thing was that the hits kept coming. You thought they could surely not have any more songs you knew but no.

Also watched Robot Wars. Quite enjoyed it. Took tom to see it in Sheffield when he was a lot younger.

Sat in the TV room as it got dark then went and closed the back doors. Was another productive day. We can be satisfied.

Anne cooked a lasagne for dinner. The four of us sat round to eat. The norm over the past year has been three of us with Joe, Hannah and Tom being away. A full house now becomes a real luxury. Very noisy mind you:)

After dinner Joe went out to a jam session at some pub or other. He is cramming in the opportunities to play music.

This morning woke up after a great night’s sleep if somewhat sweaty – we don’t open our front window as the noise of the traffic keeps Anne awake. Out early to Tesco to get some bread for John’s packed lunch. He continues his career as an assistant tennis coach today at the Eastgate Club summer camp. Keep him off the streets:). Whilst at Tesco picked up two packs each of strawberries and raspberries that had just been reduced in price. They won’t last the day in our house.

Got to do some work today. Things have slowed down a little as people go on holiday but I can still get something done. Will also have to try and fit in a trip to the tip (possibly two trips) and see if I can get in to see John Hill to pass judgement on my tooth. Urgh.

But first a swim.

The silhouettes are beginning to appear. It is 21.05, to use the 24 hour clock. Five past nine pm to some. The TV was switched off but is now back on. Something of interest. No doubt.

I have a wood pigeon for company. I can’t see it but I know it is there. It might well be looking at me. Sinister. Maybe. Brainless bird.

The bright screens in front of me illuminate with out a flicker. No flickering screens. No. Smooth screens. High definition screens.  The bewilderment of Charlie Chaplin. Were he still alive today. The flicks. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it. The smooths.

Something occasionally tells me to go out and buy an airgun for the purpose of taking shots at the pigeons and the squirrels. It is never a serious consideration. Never saw the point of gratuitous slaughter. Gratuitous slaughter. Now that’s a phrase that makes you think. Sit up man. I’ll leave it to nature.

Tonight we watched University Challenge. Liverpool were eliminated from the competition. In one fell swoop. A wave of Paxman’s wand. The press of the buzzer. Or lack of it. That’s why they were knocked out. An insufficiently deep knowledge of obscure subjects. 19th century musicals, the mathematics of deep space, Greek philosophers, early 20th century medical breakthroughs, events of 1915, heraldic symbols. You get the idea. Liverpool University did not. Someone has to go…

A cough penetrates the two walls or three doors. Most likely the latter.

I’ve been researching my trip to China. Printing off the visa application. Looking at the hotels I will be staying at. Thinking about the possibility of getting a jacket made whilst I’m out there. If I have time. I don’t do suits.


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