Wet Friday

Rain in Peel…

The weather has broken. It is a wet and miserable day here in Peel, although miserable is purely a state of mind and in these circumstances simply a description that is traditionally used for this weather.

The lads are playing Monopoly. I have been out and about taking pics in the wet. Unfortunately the phone seems to have started backing up pics from earlier this month. This is a bit odd as they will already have been backed up. I wonder if they have somehow been deleted from the cloud and are therefore backing up again.

I’ve had to turn off the wifi as I don’t want to hammer dad’s connection unnecessarily. It could mean the end to my daily video from the IoM as I may have to wait until I get home to our 12Meg upload to back up. I’ve been backing up from phone and then downloading onto my laptop.

I did pop down to the prom to make use of the free wifi there but the high speed “Sure“ network seems to be down and the Harbour Lights wifi is only ADSL with a paltry few hundred k up.

The news is our broadband connection has ground to a halt. I’ve used up all the bandwidth. Called Manx Telecom and paid £13 to get unlimited data for the rest of the month. The pleasant surprise is, and I hadn’t realised this/had forgotten that we did the upgrade last time I was over, we have FTTC here. 80 Megs down and 10Megs up. I’ve set the photo backups going again and once complete will be able to start publishing the vids I’ve been making. Next time I come over I’ll just buy the unlimited bundle from the off and not worry about the usage.

The bairns are out, Anne is out, dad and I will be off out soon for his hospital checkup. All is quiet.


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