Off to Barcelona in the morning

Si si senor

Off to Barcelona in the morning. Looking forward to it. Moreover I’m flying business class so it will be a bit more comfortable and on the way home it’s an 8pm ish flight which will be perfect timing for a couple of glasses of champagne on board. Staying at the Crowne Plaza at Gatwick when I get back to the UK because it will be too late to catch a train home and it’s a darn sight cheaper in Gatwick than in Central London.

Today was a day of getting ready for Barca really. Walked to Tom Visconi’s in the Bail for a haircut. Then after lunch (a few salad bits) walked into town to pick up a train ticket. 4.7 miles all told which on top of the swim this morning was a reasonable amount of exercise.

All I have to do now is decide what to wear. I don’t want to take much stuff. It’s all got to fit in my Osprey bag. Problem is the weather in Barca is a lot nicer than here so I need to set off in winter clothes and arrive in what will almost feel like the height of the British summer. It was 20 degrees C in Barcelona today.

The diet will to some extent go out the door this week, if only because of the booze that will inevitably be consumed at the trade show, or more specifically in the evenings. Will be doing a lot of walking though so that may offset the excess.

Check the video out – also discusses Brexit.


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