Moulin Rouge Cafe & Grill

Newcastle – why aye

Beautiful sunny day. Unfortunately I’m going to be sat in the car for 7 hours but it is one of those duties I don’t mind doing – taking Hannah back to Durham Uni. This time it’s for the last time!

It’s a slightly longer trip than normal as we also have to swing by Joe, a mere 30 mins or so further north in Newcastle, to drop his gear off. He went Friday evening to go to a music rehearsal on Saturday.

Had a bacon sandwich with glass of milk for breakfast. We are nearly out of HP sauce, a situation that will have to be watched closely.

The car is turned around and ready to take the luggage once I get the go ahead.

I’m anticipating that by the time I get back from up North the lawn will have miraculously mown itself and there will be a delicious roast lamb dinner awaiting my arrival.

Made it to Newcahstle, delivered some stuff to Joe including his bike, and went to the Moulin Rouge Cafe & Grill for lunch. The kids doubted my judgement but when tasting the food became converts. If you need somewhere to eat in Newcastle go there.

Dropped Joe off in town for a jazz rehearsal and took Hansk to Tesco metro in Durham. Over an hour later we had filled a trolley, taken Han back to Grey College and set the coordinates for the Morning Star for a quick pint before going home.

I’m now watching Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 with a glass of Carlos 1 brandy.

The grass has been cut…

Few pics here. Vids below:


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