Ajax’s 64th birthday

Out last night for Ajax’s 64th birthday. They go to the Isle of Wight a fair bit but take their motorhome and don’t rent a cottage. Also they have no grandkids named Vera, Chuck or Dave. It is what it is.

The result of going out on a school night is a somewhat sluggish start to the day in marked contrast to yesterday’s ‘bright as a daisy’ if that is a saying. 

Quite a bit going on today as well, what with the stretch and flex class at ten thirty, nipping to Fosters for a joint of pork and some beef for the weekend and cracking on with my talk at the Lonap Inspired 25 conference next week. If you’re going, see you there.

Speaking of London, the hotel prices have skyrocketed this year but there are tricks to saving yer dollar. I’ve just cancelled next week’s hotel and booked another for less than £200 a night saving me about forty five quid. That’s ten pints in some parts of the country. Not in London obvs. Hopefully will be able to do the same for trefbash – hotels in town are showing ridiculous prices for December.

The thing about hotels for trefbash is that they need to be within walking distance of the Phoenix Arts Club. Trying to find a cab at two am is near impossible. I realise most people don’t stay the pace until the wee small hours but it’s my party so I do, particularly as I have to settle the bar bill at the end of the night. Last year the kitty ran out just after the last drink was ordered which is quite some achievement.

The usual champagne order has been placed and I still need to nail the menu but that will get sorted. Registrations are ahead of last year so if you plan on coming you should probably get a bit of a wiggle on though you do still have some time to get organised.

I just need to figure out what I’m gonna wear!!!

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