An early start

Up at the crack of dawn

Well not really. 6amish. Dawn is much earlier at this time of year. Up early anyway with the door of the conservatory open to the garden.

Unusually I can hear traffic going to work. It’s not unusual for there to be traffic. I don’t normally notice it. This morning it contrasts with the birdsong in the hedge.

We had big news overnight. The BBC have announced that Joe’s band The Pylons have been chosen to play the BBC Introducing stage at Glastonbury. We’ve been keeping it quiet for weeks now (ish) desperate to tell people. At last we can talk about it loudly  🙂

It is wonderful news. They have a long way to go before making it big but it’s a step in the right direction. There is a warm up gig at the West End Tap on Saturday 18th June but I’m gutted that I’ll be in Dublin. Wouldn’t have gone until the Sunday had I known.

This is a great time of day to be up. The time flies when you are sat here tapping away. Not that I particularly want it to do so.

The jerk rub was a particular success last night btw. Shannon had warned us about the kick but we didn’t find it too hot at all. We will be making some of that ourselves in future. Must get the recipe. It was very nice having dinner outside on the patio, just John and I. Anne was out sorting stuff out for the Curle Avenue Queen’s 90th birthday street party on Sunday.

I’m not a big royalist but I like a good street party. The girl who was organising it has passed the baton on to Anne and Julie because she is snowed under this week. As a result Anne and Julie are now snowed under but hey…

Last night she was going round the houses checking on numbers coming. Not much of a response from behind the intercoms of the closed doors of Gerards Close. A weird lot. Don’t think we’ll be seeing much of them.

Anne has been giving me some admin jobs to do. I don’t mind typing in her quiz questions and downloading pictures of crowns (for example) but the sourcing of the National Anthem for singing on the day does go against the grain somewhat for a Welshman:)

More later…

The broken Dyson fan heater is fixed. Dyson support was good. The machine is a fan heater and not an airconditioner. You have to put the temperature to zero in this weather. Otherwise the heater will just think “oh they’ve set it to 2 degrees (say) and thin kit’s already warmer than that and not switch on. Clever I’d say.

Just  saw a chaffinch in the garden. may have been a bullfinch but either way it is good

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