Friday 15th Part 1

preparations for camping in Derbyshire

Watershed moment at the dentist this morning. We jointly decided to have the tooth out. John offered to do it there and then but I wanted a few days to “say goodbye”. Also I’m off to Derbyshire camping with the Scouts and didn’t want to spoil it with a sore gum. I’m going in at 11.20 on Monday to get it done.

Before the dentist I popped in to GoOutdoors to buy a map of the Peak District where I’m going. OL24. The were sold out as were Blacks when I rang them. Obviously as a relatively nearby bit of countryside it is a popular one. You’d think they would have ordered more in though.

It is 15.50 and I’m pretty much packed. Just got to chuck a few things into the rucksack and then I’m ready to rock and roll. The Clif Bars I ordered arrived today but I’m not taking them to Derbyshire. They are strictly rationed for the Coast to Coast. 24 between 2 of us over 12 days. This is in addition to anything provided for us as packed lunches by the B&Bs.

I’m being picked up at 6 so will spend the rest of the afternoon playing with the iMovie software.

I have a plan for when we get to the campsite. It will be chucking it down so I will assemble the tent inside the mess tent, assuming they have one, and then move it into place outside. I have a 500cc bottle of Grouse whisky with me for medicinal purposes tonight and tomorrow.
Now watch the vid.


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