It’s a drizzly day

splish splash

It’s a drizzly day and there is a lot of noise from the cars on the wet road outside the front. I often wonder why the number of cars seems to increase when it is raining. Do these motorists normally walk? I don’t think so.

35 mins in the pool this morning. After a couple of laps I heard a voice say “hi Tref”. It was Erica. Hadn’t seen her even though she was in the next lane – I’m pretty blind without my specs.

Never ceases to amaze me how slow I swim. Towards the end of the morning lane session you get some fairly large ladies getting in the pool. Warming up for the over 50s swimfit class, or whatever it is called. Most of them are faster than me.

Darren the plasterer turned up whilst I was in the pool. He is here for three days or so to line the attic – it will be a big improvement – see featured image. The long box btw contains my singles. Vinyl. 7″.

I’ve been doing a lot of background reading of people’s diaries on the coast to coast walk. You see a lot of folk in their sixties or older keeping up a fairly brisk pace – over 3mph averages for some. This is going to be fairly unattainable for me. 3mph on the flat on a road maybe. Perhaps I will speed up over the course of the fortnight.

Sneaked out for a bag of chips from the Burton Road chippy for lunch after dropping Anne and Erica outside the Cathedral West front – they are meeting Anne Morton. Then swung by to see Ajax and chat about the coast to coast. He wasn’t there – emergency dental appointment.

Finally, on this lunch break, visited GoOutdoors to buy some gaiters and a whistle. Came away without either but needing to do some research. Had a great chat with a Polish sounding girl there who was very knowledgeable about footwear. I’m going back there tomorrow to check out some insoles.


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