Laandan again innit

dinner with Tom and Hannah tonight

London bound again. It was foretold. No rain but pleasantly cooler autumnal conditions. I’ve taken my C2C raincoat just in case.

Sausage sandwich with a glass of milk for breakfast. I need to get back into training but it will be pretty pointless this next two weeks as there is so much going on. After that the fortnight’s enforced jury service should kick start the process. Until Madrid…

Bumped into Anna, landlady of the Strugglers, on the platform. She’s off to London for a day trip. It’s nice to go every now and again. It’s a young person’s place. Great if you are young and single, and have money. Not sure that most young persons have money. They must get by somehow. I did it for a year. Dinner with Tom and Hannah tonight, after the ITSPA council meeting.

Just passed a field of shorn sheep. Fwiw. The fields changed noticeably whilst I was away in August. They were just turning yellow and now are mostly brown since the harvest came in. Some have even been ploughed up and resown for the next crop. Dosed up with chemicals no doubt.

This morning I changed the footer on from Copyright 2009 – 2013 to 2016. Not a big deal really but you never know:) probably needs some similar attention but I’m not sure I can really be bothered.

One of the things I love about Autumn is the set of new things to look forward to. Especially the build up to Christmas which has over the years developed a few fixed dates in the calendar: trefbash, our Christmas market Party and the Morning Star carol night. Trefbash is changing format this year and will be lonapbash. This is partly so that some of my pals in the networking industry who can’t normally make it stand a chance by making it a justifiable business event. Also I have had 6 terrific trefbashes and I feel it is worth getting out at the top.

The 10.54 from Newark is running late. Eta 11.05. Not too bad I suppose. I have an hour and a half spare at the other end anyway. Arrived at 11.00. Driver put his foot down probs.

Quite a full train. I’ve had to sit in my allocated seat which I rarely do. They always allocate seats in coach M and I normally go and sit in L which is usually emptier. Not today. Wossgoinon?



I use a plug in called Yoast for SEO optimisation in WordPress sites. For posts I typically follow its SEO rules. At least I have for the last couple of years. It doesn’t seem appropriate for philosopherontap. This is partly because I no longer care. Is it important to me whether lots of people are attracted to the site? I don’t look to see how many visitors it gets and those that do visit rarely leave comments.

This is for me an interesting dilemma. Part of me wants anything I write to be read and hopefully appreciated. I guess in that respect the more people that see my stuff the better. The counter to this is that good art doesn’t necessarily need to be seen by lots of people for it to be good. Also if it really is any good then surely it will be seen because people will share it.

There is a scenario where nobody understands what I am saying anyway. This is OK. I’m thinking of upping the ante on the creative stuff. Only because I like doing it. Look out for a Facebook Event in October. More anon…


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