A leisurely day in Lincoln

Pottering innit

The featured image is the shelving unit I bought from the BHS closing down sale.  A piece of British high street history. It is now loaded with stuff from the shed. Boxes of weedkiller, a gazebo, some gardening tools. Stuff like that. I can’t be bothered to nip out and take another pic.

Today has been quite leisurely. Pottering around with the camper, printing off boarding passes for the IoM trip, tidying the bench in the garage etc. Bought a couple of plastic baskets to put in the van cupboard and changed John’s train tickets. He is now going a week early in order to do some work experience at Colt Telecom, Hannah’s impending employer. Staying with Tom which is not only v handy but also only a short tube ride away.

We are off out to see the Lincoln Mystery plays tonight. Never been before. Took a quick look to see what this one was about and discovered that it lasts 2 ½ hours. Gulp. There is an interval after an hour. We can take a judgement at that point. It’s outdoors and currently raining but I think it’s just a passing shower. The forecast is no rain. Anne went out for lunch (again 🙂 ) with some pals so it’s just the lads and I eating before we head out. Steak pie. mm.

Tomorrow Anne and I are off to Whitby in the camper so look out for lots of pics and vids. Ciao amigos.


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