Low sun and cold morning

all is well

It’s been a great family Christmas. Waved goodbye to dad and Sue last night after another successful meal (gammon chips and peas for 9 – mass catering that amount of chips takes planning) and now up at around 8 for a bacon sandwich. Taking Sarah back to the Wirral this morning.

Sarah’s hostel is within spitting distance of the Cheshire Oaks outlet village and it would be a shame not to drop in there for a skeet. CO is famous for providing good stuff like Timberland for not a lot of money. Otherwise it’s a long day. At least 3 hours each way. Joe is also going away for a few days at Charlotte’s in Storth in Cumbria. Her dad is a season ticket holder and is taking him to watch Liverpool play Stoke at Anfield.

It’s looking like a colder morning out there. Been very mild over Christmas. Currently 1℃. As it should be at this time of year. We want cold. We want well wrapped up and come home to sit around the warm fire. Don’t do chestnuts mind you. Noses should glow.

We are still holidaying, it being only the 27th December, but are already looking forwards to the relative austerity and sensibleness that January brings. The belt tightening, making sure that our supplies make it through to the next harvest. Etc.

George Michael’s Careless Whisper has just turned itself on the SONOS next to my ear in the living room. It was almost certainly Jose. It’s OK actually. Not too loud. The 2 new SONOS acquisitions have been results. Made an impulse buy on the 23rd and they arrive the next morning thanks to Amazon Prime. One is in the kitchen and the other in the TV room. My plan is for the TV room SONOS to be ceiling mounted in the bathroom but we shall see how we go with that one. I don’t have a bath that often and my idea was that it would provide me with tunes whilst in the bath.

The low sun is blinding me through the conservatory windows. We have moved on to some Norah Jones, Tragedy. V relaxing fair play. Playlist put together by Jose. Funnily I can only hear the others in the room. The sun is so blinding that I can hardly even see John who is sat next to me on the settee. I am almost touch typing.

That’s it fer now. Gotta get ready to head NorthWest. More later if there is any.

Back at 5pm. Anne drove the return leg. Sarah got more excited as she approached Meadow Lane and was off like a shot once her bag had been lifted out of the boot. Anne and I had a sandwich in the Horse and Jockey down the road and then headed for Cheshire Oaks outlet village. That didn’t last long. The queues to get into the car park were horrendous. We called it quits, turned around and pointed the car towards Lincoln.


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