marathon day of rugby

Somewhat of a marathon day of rugby yesterday. We never made it as far as the bar of the previous day. Met Ajax in Gibb’s Irish Bar opposite the Cathedral. It emptied out quite quickly as the Welsh fans exited to go to the match and we had the pick of the seats. Only real problem was that the aircon wasn’t working and the only window that opened was the big one near the entrance. Too hot man. I nipped out at half time and purchased an Irish rugby tee from Le Comptoir Irlandais just around the corner.

After watching the Mighty Wales slay the Georgian dragon we moved nearer the door to where there was a draught to be caught, which is where we watched England just about beat Samoa. Then the Welsh fans returned from their game and the bar quickly got rammed. Not for the faint hearted, a full pub during a rugby match. I was ok, perched as I was on a stool at a table just off the main thoroughfare to the bar. 

We moved on to Cafe St Pierre, just across the square, for the Ireland v Scotland game. Far more pleasant conditions. 

We spent perhaps ten hours sitting in a pub yesterday. Must have talked about something but I’m blowed if I can remember what. The stop for the number C1 bus was just outside the Irish bar so the trip home was quick and comfortable.

Japan v Argentina today. We have tickets.

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