
and Joe is back

A great day of sporting results yesterday. First Lewis Hamilton won the British F1 Grand Prix. The our Andy won Wimbledon and finally Portugal won the European cup. Remember that I’m not a football fan but had placed a bet to make it interesting so I have a profit of £56 yay.

The spit roast chicken dinner was one of mixed results. The chicken itself was fine but the combination of the smoked sea salt and garlic rub and Carling lager in the drip tray wasn’t particularly exciting. Will not use Carling again and stick to other meats for the rub. Only used the lager because we have a load left over from Joefest.

Back to the grind today, ish. Got some Netaxis stuff to sort. Also have to nip to the post office and then take the beer barrels back to Pheasantry Brewery. Should also wrap up the student finance stuff today.

Was back in the pool this morning. First time in a while or so it feels. Won’t get much swimming in this week as am in London tomorrow and then we set off for Latitude on Thursday – back Monday.

I’m very excited about Latitude. Never been to a big festival like this before. The girls have been getting stuff ready. Hannah is an expert and has compiled a list of foodstuffs that she would take. It’s more based on a young person’s low budget needs but that is fine. I’m treating this very much as a family holiday so not too worried about what we spend, within reason.

Anne went off to Netto where they are having a closing down sale and bought some stuff to take (bottles of water etc) at 50% off. Shame they are closing down but there again I never shopped there!

Latitude will be our first major expedition in Betty and we have all of Wednesday to get ready – make sure everything we need is packed and stowed away etc. The weather forecast is improving as we move towards the weekend which is good innit.

Joe came back from BSTK Festival and immediately shot off to Joey’s to do some recording. 

Photo is of the flowers around the BBQ area.


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