This post is being brought to you from the butcher’s block

This post is being brought to you from the butcher’s block in the kitchen. Whilst my sausage cooks. I will add other breakfast items into the mix but I’m sure you will agree that you have to start with the sausage.

The process of cooking over took the process of writing and so the remainder of this post has been written from a settee in the snug after consuming my breakfast. Time is of the essence this morning as I have a car picking me up just before eleven to whisk me to Lincoln Central Station. Any further reports will have to come from the train. 


On da trane. Snuggled into seat E2 – aisle at the back of the carriage. V private. I was booked into my usual seat E5 but someone has booked the one next to me between Newark and Grantham and the one opposite between Newark and Kings Cross.. They could be real weirdos. I’ve moved.  Another benefit of seat E2 is that you are the first to be served from the trolley. 

Happily listening to a/the traditional Christmas Carols Spotify playlist. The Angel Gabriel. Official lyrics which should really have been modified years ago. Everyone knows they should read “most highly flavoured gravy”. Who do you write to to sort it out?

A couple of years ago I purchased the New Oxford Book of Carols for Christmas. This will contain the “official” text and I have no argument with that. One of the reasons I bought the volume is to ensure that we get the words right at our annual carol singing party. Many carols have multiple versions and the NOBC tries to cover the most well known.

I feel now is the time to introduce the popular versions of Christmas carols into the book. The problem is it is only revised about once every seventy five years. In fact it has only ever been revised once. It will take all of you to write in to request one further edition. That should do it. It will not need doing again after that. Probs.

This brings me to another issue. This year we are not having the Davies family carol singing party. We normally coincide it with the Lincoln Christmas Market which of course has been removed from the calendar of events for the city. V short sighted and lacking in ambition i say but we will not dwell on that here.

Fortunately we still have the Morning Star carols night on Wednesday 20th December to which you are very welcome to come. However this does mean only one carol session this year and I love singing Christmas carols. 

The religious and learned amongst you will point out that it is possible to attend a church service where Christmas carols are the order of the day. However they will typically sing only four or five carols and there is a risk that some of them will be the modern happy clappy rubbish you get nowadays. Not ma thang. Plus they add religious content which also ain’t ma thang.

So there we go. Morning Star it is.

The lights are coming on in Islington. London is descending into darkness. Well London isn’t because there are so many lights. We are at that time of the day when thoughts start to turn from the office treadmill to home, or the pub even, this being London.

I am sat in the window of the Hilton Angel Islington with a pint of Goose Island something or other watching the change to the day. I’ve dropped off a load of stuff at the Phoenix Arts Club and now have a bit of a wait before offspring appear.

Just fine tuning the playlist for Thursday night. I never considered that I had  a particularly sophisticated vinyl collection but with the help of Spotify I can turn out a great set. In my opinion. My Bose headset has the foam sticking out of one side which doesn’t look particularly cool I’m sure but hey, who cares. Now playing Mustang Sally. Sitting in the very brightly lit bar of the hotel. 

Long couple of days ahead starting with breakfast at Dishoom tomorrow. Never been there for breakfast so figured I would try it out.

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