Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday. There ya go a month’s worth of Tuesdays in one go. What’s not to like? A bit like London double decker busses all coming along at the same time but different. Makes sense to me that we could choose to arrange our month like this. If there was one day you didn’t particularly like you could get them all out of the way early in the month. Now some will say it would be better to stick with the current system and take more bad days in smaller doses. However it’s all about choice.

If it was your birthday you might elect to have four Saturdays on the trot although in my mind it would be silly to use up all the Saturdays in one go. Your birthday might not even be on a Saturday. Probs not.

Not that I’m saying I don’t like Tuesdays. In fact I really don’t mind them, at all. I wouldn’t want every day to be a Tuesday but I’ve nothing against it per se.

Sbeen quite a busy morning in the shed. Hitherto. Thus far. Up until now. As we approach high noon I’m still hard at it, goodness me. Mind you I have been multitasking (I know, I know). Had a call from sister @sue who was in the Axminster Tools shop in Caerdydd buying me a wood carving starter set so that I can get going on that. Important interrupt.

That’s the way, I like it, ahah ahah. It’s what’s playing on my music centre at the mo. How long is it since these things got called music centres?!?! Stereo? Doesn’t cover it either. I have six speakers. Decided to go uptempo and turn up the volume. Liven up the shed a bit. Papa was a rolling stone.

Watched Arse, enal v Chelski on the phone in the bath and now downstairs wearing ma Bose. It is someone called Alan Carr on the box. Can’t stand im. Unfortunately it is now a choice between inane ads and inane crap on the TV. If I turn the sound off the phone I can hear the telly. Cue Spotify. I’ll switch the important footy game back on in a bit. Funny how one finds oneself supporting Chelsea as the lesser of two evils. It isn’t that big a deal really. It’s only football. THG gets excited about it although she is currently responsible for having the Al Carr programme on. Anyway it is one nil to the reds at the halfway mark.

Had a good bath. Took a book but only managed a couple of pages as I was mostly dicing with device death. Gawd knows what I was reading. The football was on a small separate screen during that time whilst Pink Floyd on the Sonos simultaneously competed with the commentary.

Love Is The Drug.

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