weak sun

& Halcon Alturas 2014

Been a pleasant morning. Kicked off with a swim followed by fruit and fibre and a bit of toast for breakfast. Then Jackie Gordon arrived with the wine from their Halcon vineyard in California. 3 bottles of Alturas Syrah (95 score by Parker). Was really great to meet her again after what must be decades. I worked with Jackie at MEDL. We had an hour and a half chinwag before she set off back to Middlesbrough to see her parents.

After she had gone I lit the fire and settled down to send thank yous to the sponsors of last week’s workshop and Christmas bash. Also did some Netaxis stuff. Now it’s almost lunchtime and I’m spending some time updating this diary.

The sun was very weak in the sky driving back from the pool this morning and i had to pop out to the back garden to take some pic. Unusually it looks really large in the photos. I suspect this is just a trick of the light but odd nevertheless.

It is now raining and after picking John up from school we are off to buy the Christmas tree.

Halcon Alturas 2014

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