Yesterday’s rain seems to have moved on

Yesterday’s rain seems to have moved on. This morning Peel is bathed in bright sunshine. Blue skies up above, everyone in love.

Popped out to the Spar shop before breakfast for a few essentials: sausages, milk and butter. Now set up for the day. Survived listening to politics on radio four but when the conversation moved on to global warming opted to bury my head in the sand and switch off.

Now just savouring a cup of tea in the dining room. Noises from the kitchen suggest ongoing tidying.

Today we head east out of Purt ny h-Inshey, dropping THG off in Doolish before turning the car north to Laksaa. Driving not tramming to Laksaa but there is a suggestion that we will hop on the MER before we head back across the water in a week’s time. The objective in Laksaa is King Orry’s Grave. Homage to Manx royalty. A somewhat contradictory position as I would be extremely unlikely to pay homage to the current lot.

I hear the noise of bikes massing to head out to the course. Should be good for racing today with rain not forecast before this evening. The disadvantage of TT watching in the Isle of Man is that you need to be in place a good three hours before a race starts in order to ensure a decent spot on a hedge. This is very much an act of faith considering the propensity of the weather here to turn on a threppeny bit. That three hour investment could turn out to be a total waste if rain comes and the race is subsequently postponed.

Moreover once in place you are effectively there for the day. Those positions on walls and hedges are like gold dust and once there don’t want to be squandered by leaving early. Although the watching of any individual bike is a very fleeting occurrence, they sometimes race by at over two hundred miles an hour, the overall experience is great. You listen to the commentary on the wireless and can compare the gap between different riders with their official position in the race to see their progress from section to section on the course.

Won’t be watching today though. Praps saving meself for the Senior on Saturday. It’s the biggie.

The real big news of the moment is the eightieth anniversary of the DDay landings. I still find it very poignant and THG and I are visiting the area ourselves in July and August. My own father was too young to take part in WW2 but did National Service in the RAF. I remember him telling me how he spent a month in the caves in Gibraltar during Operation Mariner in 1953. He was one of the wireless operators. That’s close enough to WW2.

I was born a mere sixteen years after the end of the hostilities. V close in the great scheme of things really.

A good day out on the east side of the island today. After dropping THG in Doolish we hit marine drive. The occasional boat to be seen and Ben my Chree anchored in Doolish bay.

Down into the Old Town at Laksaa and a cawfee on the seafront there in front of The Shed caff. Nice spot. We sat watching gannets plunging after fish. Then a fishing smack appeared and slowly made its way across to the other side of the bay. At the same time a kayak floated across and into the harbour making very quick and seemingly effortless progress. Finally a small rib followed the kayak completing the flotilla line up for the moment.

A man walked two dogs along the stone beach. One of them, a spaniel, carried a huge stick in its mouth. Woman with two grandchildren made her way. The little girl kept running ahead, stopping occasionally to throw stones into the sea. If she kept it up she would eventually fill the sea. Grandma stopped and demonstrated how to throw a stone to the toddler. It didn’t go very far.

We made our way to “King Orry’s Grave”, a five thousand year old prehistoric brutal spot. Quite impressive fair play although not in a particularly grand spot at the side of the road. Presumably there would have been a good view from there before they built the surrounding cottages.

Stopped at the caff by the big Wheel at Laksaa for a cheese sandwich and was thrilled to be approached by Wendy Lambert who used to live over the road from us at Ballagarey Road and whose mum used to give me a lift to school. Was really great to see her after 44 years!!!

Finally left Laksaa and made our way down south. Derby Haven, Derby Fort and Scarlett. The old Castletown Golf Links Hotel has long since closed. My sister Ann had her wedding reception there.

Back now in Peel having had a jolly day out. This afternoon’s racing cancelled due to wet weather on the mountain. It’s been beautiful wherever we have been!

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