Noah get yer hammer out

ark wanted

The fun thing about writing a diary is that you can write anything you like. I’m not quite at the stage of revealing all my most intimate secrets and innermost thoughts but at least I am free to express myself any which way I like.

On this occasion you might have guessed it is raining. This post, really, adds to the body of historical data that will tell interested onlookers from the future that the weather was inclement. There may even be studies that analyse the cause and effect of future events and find that one in particular stemmed from someone slipping on a wet pavement and banging their head. In Lincoln. Who knows?

One thing is for certain and that is not only is it wet but it is also cold and I am disinclined to go walking today. I have been swimming and may well opt to head for the gym at lunchtime. There is a reason for this. Anne has her friend Sarah the new trainee vicar’s wife, and her two young kids coming to lunch. Time to get out of the house methinks.

Now when I attracted your attention to this post with an enticing title mentioning Noah I wasn’t being entirely straight with you. Yes it is raining, a lot, but that rain isn’t yet of biblical proportions. Had it been so I’d imagine that Noah would have had to have started building his ark yonks ago. Nowadays we do have faster more efficient construction methods but you still can’t build a boat that will house two of every animal in the world particularly quickly.

Such a project would need serious long term planning. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was a 20 year effort. Just imagine the logistics of finding two of everything and then keeping them somewhere whilst the ark was built. Just building the dry land accommodation would be a massive project in itself and not particularly politically correct. Some of the animals may even go extinct whilst they were waiting.

So. This entry seems to be straying from the straight and narrow when it comes to diaries and verging on the fictitious, which I know is not what you are after in a diary. A novel ok but not a diary and I’m not sure I will ever write you a novel.


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