As sure as eggs is eggs

purchased eggs en route on my 9.5 mile walk

This walking lark is a back breaker. I have to keep at it. Today I did another 9.5 miles. It feels as if I should be doing it more quickly but towards the end my feet hurt and my back aches. I guess it’s just a question of keeping at it.

It took 3 hours 50 minutes including a tea break stop and lunch at RAF Fiskerton. Didn’t know that was there. En route past Cherry Willingham I walked alongside an old chap who had done the3 coast to coast to celebrate his 70th birthday 5 years ago. Not bad. He did the same schedule as I am planning.

Before the walk I also did 45 minutes in the pool so all in all it’s not been a bad day for exercise.

The arrival of spring was definitely noticeable along the way. It was manifested in leaves budding in the hedgerows. Today was also warmer than yesterday and I was kitted out for the cold so towards the end had to take off my coat as I was boiling. I may have to start wearing my summer walking trousers. Tomorrow.

I was also able to take advantage of the opportunity to buy some eggs in Reepham. Left £2 in an honesty box for the dozen they had left. Looking forward to trying them out for breakfast tomorrow. Fresh eggs make all the difference. I noticed that one of them had been cracked from rough handling in the rucksack but looks like the sack is still intact so it may be ok.

Passed a high security workplace in Fiskerton called Primetake. I googled it. They make “precision  ammunition” amongst other things! Pics in the album linked to at the bottom of the post.

The other thing I noticed were signs indicating compulsory purchase orders for land along the route of the planned Eastern Bypass. It was all pristine agricultural land. I realise that people have been campaigning for the bypass for years but when you are walking along in the countryside it does bring it home to you what devastating effect these roads have on the environment. Fields with birds will be replaced with cars hurtling along at 70 miles an hour.

I got home, had a quick shower and zoomed off to pick John up from school. Before leaving the house I noticed a £394 cancellation charge invoice from Vodafone. This is wrong and I called them up – I cancelled within the cooling off period and it was because they were unable to provide me with a working sky sports mobile app for the oneplus2. I think it is going to be ok – the girl said there shouldn’t be a problem but you never know with these big companies and automated systems.

Back now in the conservatory the birds are in full song in the back garden. Another sign of spring. The forecast for Easter isn’t good though. Ne’er cast a clout until May is out!

In other news I was on BBC1 yesterday. A pure fluke being filmed for some programme as I was walking along the street in London (Aldgate to Kings X). Several people spotted me and dropped me a line on Facebook. Screen grab below the vids:)

Pics here

Vids below

bbc 1 screenshot tref


One Response to “As sure as eggs is eggs”

  1. […] end of Feb I signed up with them and cancelled the next day for reasons discussed in this previous post – nothing terrible. Just didn’t work […]

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