Macbook Pro, Anne’s Vans ad and Penicillin

Together with trying out new boots

New left boot had its first tryout today walking back from Coops’ having left the Citroen there. Socks weren’t as thick as the ones I’m wearing on the walk. I wore different ones on the way back down and they were more comfortable. Time will tell if the fit is right.

Picked up some penicillin to sort out the tooth abcess. Hopefully. Still giving me gyp. Got home to discover that I had run out of google drive space for I have two accounts and have a TB of space on the other one. I transferred everything over yonks ago but lots of stuff still left on Spent most of the morning sorting that out. I now have no images on

This afternoon ordered a Macbook Pro with bells and whistles. Whilst I am an avowed Google fan the Chromebook has had a few unresponsive moments of late. This could be because it needs more RAM/performance. Although the Mac is expensive I’ve finally been convinced that it’s the right thing to do, still using the Google ecosystem. It will also allow me to properly edit movies. I’m not sure that the world is yet quite there for cloud based video editing.

This evening Tom and i set going an ad for our Anne’s Vans vw campervan rental site – 25% off if you order before the end of March. It’s costing a bob or two but you have to speculate to accumulate and there’s no point investing in the van without some corresponding investment in marketing. Tom’s experience at the BBC is proving to be very useful and he basically designed the ad. We shall see how we get on.

Tom is in the Isle of Man at the mo with dad. Good bit of bonding. He flies back on Thursday and is joining us in Llanberis on Friday.  Still a few bits and bobs to gather before the off and we need to sort out what we are doing about food, when but there is still time.

Pics from today’s walk – typical Lincoln sights plus a few miscellaneous extras. Used the Fitbit for the first time – currently registering 13,240 steps.


One Response to “Macbook Pro, Anne’s Vans ad and Penicillin”

  1. Domhnall dods says:

    I tried the chromebook on a trip to London for work last week instead of taking the laptop. Was very impressed at ho with easy it was to use office 365 from a chromebook.

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