A new day

A new day. Refreshed and in the shed by eight thirty ey em. Lots to do. To help me get into the swing I’ve stuck a calming classical playlist on’t stereo.

It’s a bit of a non day outside. Cloudy, not particularly warm so the heating is on in’t shed. One has to be sensible about this sort of thing. Health and safety in the workplace etc. I’ve also switched on the Lagunitas bar sign just to help brighten the place up a bit although the shed is pretty well lit. TBH I can’t see the bar sign from my desk as it is hidden behind a monitor but it’s the thought that counts. Knowing that it is switched on.

Been sat here for half an hour already but not quite got going. Perhaps the music is too calming 🙂 Finished my cup of tea and there is more in the pot except I’d have to go into the house for milk.

I’ve been reasonably good at not looking at the news although it is impossible to completely ignore it. There are more important things in life. I pay others to sort out the crap.

Tis almost five o’clock and very much still light. This is encouraging isn’t it? The conversation amongst our dispersed family has today centred around what seeds should they be planting. THG has advised sweet peas, tomatoes and nasturtiums. I’m sure the greater Facebook community would chip in with more.

I sense that this year I will leave all gardening decisions to THG. My responsibilities in recent years have lain with the planting and supervision of the onion crop. I’m just not sure whether it is worth bothering with onions. The ones you can get in the shops seem to be bigger and better quality and I can’t detect any difference in taste especially as they are typically fried and absorbed into a dish with other more dominant flavours.

The one crop where a difference would certainly be detectable would be peas but you have to plant a lot of peas to make it worthwhile. Peas fresh from the garden are hard to beat.

Do you have any favourite home grown crops? We have in the past had some good tomato yields. Peppers and chillies have not fared so well. Cukes do well in the greenhouse. Apples have good and not so good years. Our pear tree is a write off.

Listening to a bit of Jacques Brell…

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