A tea-long post

A tea-long post. THG has just delivered a piping hot cuppa. I like to leave tea to cool a little before imbibing so figured it would be interesting to write a post. The time spent writing will be the amount of time it takes for the tea to cool and for me to drink it.

This is not a particularly scientific activity. I don’t have an optimum temperature at which I like to start drinking. Also the time taken to finish the cup will be a combination of the size of the cup together with how engrossed I get with the writing. If I am in full flow the drinking time could well be longer, to the point where the tea might go cold and no longer be particularly drinkable.

It is lunch at Headingley and the test match is finely poised. At lunch I had decided to clean the gazebo canopies which might yet get done. However the rest of the household has also decided that they want a curry tonight so I do have to devote some time to that. We shall see, rhymes with tea. If I can I also want to squeeze in a swim but that may depend on how the cricket is going.

When it comes to cooking a curry it is important to put in the right amount of effort. It is too easy to rustle up a dish that fits the description of curry but is not a good example of the genre. We are after tender meats in rich gravy with just the right amount of spice and flavour.

I also quite like the idea of knocking up some naan breads but that’s a bit of hassle. Well worth it if you can be bothered. They only take ninety seconds or so to cook on a bakers steel on the barbecue. It’s the prep time that is the issue.

A simple curry with pilau rice will suffice. One lamb and one chicken. Washed down by a cold beer and perhaps some red wine that is left over from last night’s barbecue and which needs finishing. Back on the diet tomorrow.

Thassit. Tea is finished and I have jobs to do. 


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