birthday sixty two

It is once more the anniversary of my arrival on this planet. The sixty second such event. I mention this not because I seek attention. The two cards that were presented with the cup of tea this morning are more than enough recognition of the milestone. It is just that it has arrived without me even thinking about it.

I’ve not spent ages agonising over what present I might like or how I should spend my day. The day itself has already to some extent been arranged for me and independent of any birthday related activity. I am okay with the programme and I will give a moment or two’s thought as to whether there is anything I might like to retrospectively choose to be a birthday gift. My new trefbash jacket probably serves that purpose.

At least it wasn’t my turn to make the tea this morning 🙂 I will cook my own breakfast though. When the time is right.

Il pleut this morning. Heavily enough to put THG off going park running. Don’t blame her. Reminds me of the old rugby playing days when you would look at the weather and think “urgh, have I got to go out onto the pitch in this!”. Was ok once we got going.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the rugby weather dilemma no longer applies. I played my last game fourteen years ago. Grunts in the scrum have been replaced by sound effects getting up out of a chair. It would be quite funny if you could buy sofas that groaned every time someone got up from them. They could be marketed as furniture that disguises the ageing process.

I could treat the new power adapter for my Macbook Pro I ordered last night as my birthday present. Got home and found that I’d left the flipping charger somewhere. Called the Waldorf but nothing had been found although I’m pretty sure I charged the laptop in the room there. Tried the Tuesday night hotel but they couldn’t be bothered to answer the phone. Doesn’t really feel right and is in anycase a business expense.

What I might do is pop down to B&Q and see if there are any tools I fancy. Tools are a blokey thing innit. A friend of THG asked recently whether I had few tools she might borrow. Sorry love. You don’t lend out tools. Get your own. Even THG knew that. 

Joe is with us today. He can accompany me. It is good to be able to discuss the relative merits of different tools with someone who knows. Might be nothing in store that takes my fancy. Let’s see.

This morning Joe and I are heading to Fillingham to get the tree. It is a little damp for this but I’m told it is the only window of opportunity that works from a decorating perspective. I am given to understand that THG has a very busy schedule in the upcoming couple of weeks. Sfine. I am the tree erector not the decorator, a division of labour that has established itself over thirty five years of marriage.

In the meantime I need to crack an egg and sizzle a sausage. Ciao bebes.

A Postscript to the above is that I mentioned to THG about the B&Q trip and got the response “but you buy tools and never use them”. She does not understand. I bought a Land Rover Defender because it could wade through rivers and traverse glaciers and deserts. Get my drift?

Christmas carols being bashed out on the piano in the conservatory. This is good. Joe is home. We are fortunate to have musical offspring. John sat in on sax with Jeff Brown’s band at trefbash and was bloody awesome even if I say so myself. I’ve passed the welling up with pride stage to just smiling every time I hear them and thinking to myself how lucky I am.

Back from the tree sourcing expedition at Fillingham. The setup there is very slick. Plenty of people on hand to help and a “kid” to carry the tree to the car for you, as one of the members of staff put it. William Rose is always there to greet visitors and I had a nice little chat with him.

Following the arboreal part of the trip Jose and I repaired to the tool department of B&Q to check out their offerings. We came to the conclusion that either I already had all the tools or couldn’t think of a time when I would need it. The powered impact driver for example. Nice to have but would just take up space on the shelf.

I did acknowledge that new metal shelving had been on my mind for some time but this is a project that needs careful planning and not an impulse buy. The planning phase might take a couple of years but at the end of it  I will be totally sure that I was buying the right shelving.

At this stage I would like to acknowledge the tool leads provided in the comments below. (only on Facebook post) @Dave’s and @Steve’s will be given the appropriate level of attention.

I am in the meantime watching Crystal Palace v Liverpool on the telly and need to finish this ritin.

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