funky shirt train shot

funky shirt r us

Life is really about funky shirts. I’m up, breakfasted on bacon sandwich, packed and ready to rock and roll down to London. Dress code is shorts, custom made funky shirt and deck shoes together with jacket as unfortunately I am going to a funeral tomorrow. I have other clothes to change into but that will wait until tomorrow. The jacket wouldn’t have gone in my Osprey laptop bag.

The rest of the family is out of the house apart from Joe who was working last night and goodness only knows what time he got in. I’ll be driving to Newark this morning and parking the car there. There are lots more train options from Newark than from Lincoln. This is especially the case when I return on Saturday.

As yesterday today is a slightly misty start but the forecast is hot hot hot. Wow. We just aren’t used to this us Brits Irish. Dunno if I told you but a copy of mam’s birth certificate arrived yesterday from Ireland. Just mine and mam and dad’s wedding certificate need now for me to be able to progress with my application for an Irish Passport. I will also be registering all four kids as Irish citizens of foreign birth. You never know when it will come in handy especially when it comes to avoiding having to have a visa for European travel, getting in the right queue for passport control etc.

Joe is now up and about, upstairs at least. I’ve been informed of his unavailability to provide a lift via Facebook. Fair enough. He is off to Newcastle himself today. Taking some of his stuff back in advance for the new term. Anne has gone to her saxophone lesson and I am left wondering which keys to take.

Bloke sat across the aisle with a humongous watch. Not sure I understand. Looks like a salesman. Another guy just walked off and dropped some papers on the floor marked CONFIDENTIAL. Picked them up, put them on his table and headed into the next coach. Can’t be bothered to go over for a read. I’m on a video conference call anyway:) The Macbook is telling me there is low bandwidth but by and large the video is coming through ok. Impressive considering there is only 2Mbps symmetrical between the whole train.

Wearing my Bose headphones for the first time in anger. The people on the conf call told me they could hear stuff in the background on the train that I was unaware of because of the headphones. Good eh? Dipped out in the interest of a smooth meeting. Was one rearranged from yesterday and I wasn’t really available this morning.

Hope you like the featured image. It’s me wearing my Bose phones on the train. The funky pattern goes well with my (handmade) shirt, I think. It should come as no surprise to you to learn that I have the domain name Not done anything with it but you never know…

If you have a funky shirt shot you’d like to share do get in touch:)


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