No jury service week 2

Home alone x

Took John and Matt to school and did meself a bacon sandwich when I got back. Also washed the dishes and emptied both kitchen bin and recycling bin into their appropriate bins out the front. It’s the no jury service effect. Having two weeks where I thought I’d be doing jury service but am not has made life mind blowingly boring at times. I think if I was totally retired I’d have to have a routine that filled the day in order to get through the day. As it is I can’t see myself stopping work fully for years. I’m too young.

This week I do have some work to be getting on with although much of it is still awaiting input from 3rd parties.

I still have the doorbell to sort out and the trapdoor for the attic. Maybe that is what I’ll do today.

Made some progress with the trapdoor cover, albeit slowed down by the fact that the battery on the cordless drill has run flat. Funnily enough I had just been wondering to myself how long do these batteries last and hey presto, it ran out of juice. So now it’s charging. I only have the one battery. I got the drill at a reduced price because someone had stolen the second battery from the kit.

I’ll nip down to B&Q later (or Boris and Quack as the kids used to call it). I have to return some items (batteries and doorbell push/button/whatever they call it) and will look at a wireless doorbell when I’m there. They seemed to have a large selection of wireless doorbells. Actually they are called chimes now. Why can’t we just buy a simple old fashioned doorbell!

Doorbell installed. Wow. The build standard isn’t very high on these things though. Had to employ bluetac to keep the bell push housing in place but it will be ok. Also a cover placed over the trapdoor. It doesn’t cover the whole opening as the ladder gets in the way but it will stop people from falling though which is it’s main purpose.

In other news my birth certificate has arrived which allows me to confirm that I was born. It should also be the last piece of the jigsaw that I need to get my Irish passport sorted. Yay.


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