Rain on the roof

And other items of mild interest

Took John to the driving range in Whisby late afternoon and Hannah came along for the ride. Afterwards we had a stroll around the nature reserve before heading home for a chili con carne and an early night.

This morning went for a swim. Was a little late getting there – my first time back in the water for a while and I needed to find things. Afterwards to see Annabelle at Clearview to see about an eyetest. There don’t appear to be any replacement arms for my specs so I got a “nearly the same” one. They are my spare pair after all so it doesn’t really matter and I am back in the land of the sighted.

I’m going back tomorrow morning before they officially open for a proper eye test and to choose some new specs. They have the same Oakleys in as the pair I lost on the coast to coast. I liked those specs so may well go for them again.

The rain has arrived. Makes it very relaxing to sit in the conservatory. John is revising away at the other end of the table whilst I get on with some work.

The Elton John tickets have arrived. I picked them up from the Epic Centre at the Showground. We are in Row D of one of the front blocks and need to arrive at 4pm for the start of the corporate hospitality. Had to go round the houses to get there as the main gate was shut. Also they are having the carpark redone so I ended up on gravelly stuff. Setting up for some antiques show.

My first day back at work in the home office today. Been away for most of May which has been pretty exhausting. Body needs a bit of downtime to recover now.


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