start the week

I wonder how long Monday will stay as the start of the week? I realise that in many countries, not all, offices close on Saturday and Sunday. This is based on a combination of hard fought trade union victories which we don’t want to discard lightly and the oppressive rule of law that forbade working on the Sabbath forcing people instead to attend church where they could be controlled with establishment propaganda. 

Monday therefore has always been the start of the working week. I am now sat in the shed contemplating the day ahead. I have a newsletter to work on. Shouldn’t take long. Someone else already wrote it. I just need to improve the English and make it more readable. Chuck a few lines of poetry in. Stuff like that. Not really poetry. It’s a techy audience across many countries. If they start seeing us being a bit flowery with the prose they will wonder what’s going on. 

This is the last couple of weeks before lots of good folk start going on holiday. Schools here break up on Friday 21st July. I always think the the start of the school summer holidays means the clock has started ticking for the end of summer. Enjoy it while you can. Cram in those summertime activities. Wear shorts.

It is certainly a good time to avoid travel. Ferry ports will be rammed. News programmes will already have scheduled stories about the length of the traffic jams backing up the motorway out of the Port of Dover. Times to get through passport control lengthening. Government ministers blaming the French.

We have a couple of ferries booked. At the end of August it is Holyhead to Dublin and then after that weekend Dublin to Cherbourg. Am optimistic that we won’t see the same problem as the south coast. I have no idea when I’m coming back from France which will be fun.

In the meantime it is a Monday morning and newsletters don’t write themselves you know…

Sixteen forty nine and tools have been downed for the day. Got quite a bit done including packing away the gazebos from the weekend. Still need to find out what I did with the peg bags though! Problems problems. These are industrial strength pegs for industrial strength gazebos. Also found Adie’s specs that he left behind after the barbecue on Saturday and managed to squeeze in a swim. 

All this as well as ghost writing some stuff. I quite like the idea of ghost writing. Yonks ago when I started the website I wanted the nom de plume of Hugh O’Rourke for my poetry but some bugger, presumably called Hugh O’Rourke, was already using it. I just stuck with Tref and actually I’m totes ok with people knowing that it’s me wot wrote something.

Gorra take me daughter Han and her boyf George to the stayshun in a bit. They stay until they’ve eaten everything and then go back to London. Only kidding. We like having them up. No sooner will they have gone when another kid will arrive. It’s John. Will need to restock the fridge 🙂

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