
thou shalt rest

My 4 x great grandfather the Reverend Daniel Davies, founder of the baptist church in Llandysul, was for a number of years ejected from his church because one of his farm workers was found to be working on a Sunday. Shows how religious views were strictly held at the turn of the 18th century. His nephew William was the first Welsh baptist missionary to die in Africa. William’s father was the Rector of the Church of Wales in Llandysul and Bangor Henllan. He would have been shocked that his son crossed over the the protestants.

These are stories for elaboration at a different time. They sprang to mind as I sit here tapping away in the kitchen listening to Radio 4. They have just broadcast an article on the growth of the Manx language which was nice to listen to. What they didn’t mention that this was very much boosted by my dad Alun Davies who was the Director of Education who introduced the teaching of Manx in primary schools. He is retired now but as a native Welsh speaker he could see the value in learning Manx.

The other story, quite near to home, unusually, was an interview with Radio 2 DJ Tony Blackburn who has been fired from the BBC for disagreeing with the party line over child molestation cases in the 1970s. Our son Tom works at the Beeb and said that the mood in the office was terrible. I won’t bore you with the details but it sounds to me as if the Beeb have got it wrong on this one.

Being a day of rest one would think I would be sat around all day “resting”. In my case this will involve getting the chicken casserole ready for tonight’s tea. Also I’ll be out the back using my new ladder to prune the fruit trees. They haven’t been done for years and the pear in particular hasn’t fruited for a long time. Every year it gets brown leaves – there is something wrong there  that I may also sort today (to the best of the guy at Pennels Garden Centre’s abilities.

Anne and I are also going to the cathedral to look at an exhibition of “Lent Art”. It’s free entry so it is a way of getting round the armed guards that normally look down from their barbed wire towers to make sure that you pay the entry fee.

I may thereafter continue for a bit of a walk – the training restarts after the week of hard indulgence at MWC in Barca.

The breakfast of  bacon, eggs mushrooms and tomatoes is part of this training. No bread of course. I need to start looking at longer walks now. Thursday may be a good candidate.

Didn’t go for a walk. After the arty stuff Anne and I hit a caff on Steep Hill for a cuppa and then I went home to crack on with the back garden. The new ladder is a real result allowing me to reach and destroy foliage hitherto protected by its elevation.

Trimmed until 4pm and then came in to wax my jacket. This is now done and the coat has had a blow dry using the hair drier. It’s a little waxy so hopefully will dry off after a while.

I here offer you some photos from inside Lincoln Cathedral.

Also some vids:


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