Tiny Computers and daffodils

Stardate Sunday 7th Feb 9.25am

It’s only 9.25am and I already have so much to tell you. Fell asleep watching boring Scotland v England game on iPlayer when we got home last night . Suspect it was the booze that made me fall asleep and not the rugby but who can tell?

In consequence forgot to update my food intake diary which I did this morning. A diavola pizza has over 1,000 calorie in it!!! WHo’d a thought I’d ever by a calorie counter but this MyFitnessPal app is really good. It gives you control. At least it makes me think I have control. You can see that when you have a few pints you had better get some exercise in to offset the effects.

I’m wearing my boots around the house again this morning. I think they are starting to wear in. Hope so anyway. If I get a chance I’ll take them for a walk later this morning. I need to buy some leather boot spray from GoOutdoors and also a couple of bottles of white plonk from Tesco. We never drink white wine but our lunchtime guests might. If they don’t we can always use it for cooking. The beef stew I slow cooked yesterday is looking pretty good today.

The first real news of the day, that which I rushed to tell you at 9.25am, is that the daffs are out. Not sure if this is early. Probably is. Ah well.

The second bit of news is that whilst setting the fire I came across a “Tiny Computers” brochure from 1997. The first PC what I bought myself was that Tiny Computer. It was a P166MMX and it cost a whopping £1232 inc VAT. Blimmin eck. Worra ripoff.

Those were the days of dial up and just before I got my first ADSL line. I was paying BT£145 (or simlar) a month for a 1Mbps connection. After a year or so I moved to a 2Mbps Plusnet line for £110.

I held off scrunching up the Tiny paperwork I had planned to use to start the fire and used some old C&G mortgage documentation instead.




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