Today’s Jobslist

and the coathanger that never was

Clean out grate and reset fire – bring logs and kindling in
Move office stuff out of conservatory (Tref)
Shift conservatory table to side and set up PA (if considered necessary)
Move settee around in front room and set out chairs for party in conservatory and front room
Move tables in kitchen
Clear away worktops in kitch (move intrays out of way upstairs)
Move all coats to landing upstairs
Bring stella fridge down
Buy eggs
Buy booze and ice

It’s all goish in the Davies house. Actually quite a slow start but it will build up. Wearing my new Black Yak cardigan/hoodie/whatever you call it today and shortly off to Tesco as alluded to in the above jobs list (see last two items).

Goish is a good word innit. It obviously has to be correctly pronounced and would benefit from a hyphen but from an artistic perspective it is better that the reader be left guessing. I doubt it will ever make the Oxford English Dictionary but you never know. I’d quite like a copy of the OED but don’t want to shell out the hundreds of pounds it costs. I bought the Shorter OED about 30 years ago and it is still perfectly useful. Not that I ever use it. Tinternet. Now waiting for Jose and Charlotte to get ready to go to scote (anag). I may be waiting a while.

Had a very pleasant day out yesterday as guest of Wright Vigar at the lincolnshire IoD Christmas lunch. Most of the attendees were either lawyers or accountants with the accompanying grey suits. I noted only 7 or 8 people out of 150 at the lunch were wearing the party hats out of the Christmas crackers on the tables.

Afterwards met up with Matt Russell, Daniel, Plia and Dean at the Strait and Narrow. Had 4 pints of strong lager whose name subsequently escapes me and then walked through the rain up Steep Hill. Did a quick round of the market, looking for a bag of chips and curry sauce.

Back from Tesco. Sussed the champagne deal. Veuve Clicquot £5 off at £30 plus a further 25% off for a case of 6. £22.50. Not for tonight but we will consume most of it over the Christmas holidays. Also bought some disgusting looking strawberry and lime Rekorderlig cider. I’m told the yoof like it.

Hannah back and off with her to Waitrose for more stuff. The house is now busy and noisy, I have to sit quietly out of the way. Next to the fireplace where the coathanger burns. It will soon disappear from our consciousness. The coathanger that never was. Despite the video evidence clearly displayed in this post  there will be conspiracy theories about this coat hanger. Is the video faked? Is it a different coat hanger? Was it ever a coat hanger. Where is the coat proof? Let us move on…

In the kitchen tonight’s chili con carne is in preparation for tonight’s pre party meal. Dunno how many people we are expecting. Between 35 and 70 if previous years are anything to go by. We don’t feed them but there will be plenty of booze. Even have a £12 bottle of vodka bought with our last Zlotys and brought back from Polska.


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