
apple cycle spins

Alarm has just gone off at 6.15 am. I’m taking Joe and Charlotte to the station. In my pyjamas. Just with my new Black Yak hoodie for warmth. Obviously I’m assuming the car doesn’t break down en route. Joe decided he would stick some bacon on before going so now I’m sat in the TV room waiting.

Went to bed early last night because I was snoring away on the settee during Planet Earth II. I’d not long got back from lunch at The Taphouse and Kitchen. Had an excellent roast beef with trimmings, fair play. Nice and rare in the middle. Also had two pints of Timothy Taylor landlord, a pale ale, red wine, gin and tonic and champagne before trundling home through a Christmas market that was in the process of being dismantled.

Hard frost on the car this morning. Dropped the kids off at the station and went back to bed with a cup of tea. At ten to eight my phone buzzed and told me I had  a conference call at 8am. W00t! Ah well some things just have to be done. I’ve now consumed a bacon sandwich and am sat tapping away. Slow start to the morning. There are jobs: move Stella Artois fridge from kitchen, take glasses back to Tesco, pick up parcel from Firth Road depot, send glasses to Joe in Nukassle – left them behind this morning. Stuff like that. Will also light the fire again. We have the fuel.

Big week this week. On Wednesday we have Jackie Gordon and her husband Paul swinging by to deliver some wine from their vineyard in California. I used to work with Jackie in Product Engineering at MEDL. Thursday it’s the LONAP Christmas Party at the Phoenix Artist Club. Then it’s my birthday day out in London on the Friday. Back Saturday afternoon.

Someone btw has nicked my toothbrush. It’s a good job I’m going to Tesco this morning innit. I’m now showered and sat by a roaring fire. Just what is needed on a cold day like this. It’s currently 1℃ outside with a promise of a high of 4℃ at around 2pm. Dress up warm everyone. A log has just shifted. Living fire.It’s no different to a person changing as they grow old.

Just had a spam call. These calls are initiated by machines and a real person picks it up if the phone is answered. I’ve taken to picking the phone up and saying something straight away such as yo or yup. Usually this is before the human has engaged at the other end. Then I typically hear silence and they as often as not hang up themselves.

Featured image, which i think has turned out well, is “decay” on one of our trees. A piece of glowing ember falls out of the fire.

Posted the specs to Newcastle – large queue at the PO. Picked up two parcels from Firth Road sorting office. Only two people in front of me in the queue. Traffic was terrible in town. These city centre roadworks are causing chaos. It’s a lot easier to drive downtown as long as you haven’t got stuff to carry back. Front room is nice and warm since I lit the fire.


One Response to “decay”

  1. […] out the featured image of the same apple from only a few days […]

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