The 23rd of January was all about books

Books, books and more books

The 23rd of January was all about books. I spent six hours or so sorting out my new bookcase. It’s a magnificent custom built mahogany job especially designed to fit into the corner to the left of the door in the front room.

This new addition to the household inventory provides us with 7.5 metres of additional shelf space. As you can see it isn’t full yet and we also have another empty pine bookcase that should provide library  expansion capacity for a few years.

It will be of interest that the Davies collection has now been partitioned into sections. The new bookcase holds mostly history titles with a shelf for miscellaneous non fiction. The smaller bookcase by the front window now holds only poetry, plays and biography whilst the shelves in the TV room are all fiction.

The fiction shelves are full but I haven’t bought much fiction for years (I don’t count Harry Potter as fiction 🙂 ) so the lack of expansion space shouldn’t matter. The fiction books will need sorting into alphabetical order which I’m hoping might help me find three Spike Milligan books that have gone astray.

Being a librarian is far more knackering that you might imagine and in consequence I only managed an hour’s walk, more due to the time available than fatigue. The walk ended up at the Morning Star where several refreshing pints of Bombardier was consumed.

The bookcase will need fixing to the wall but that is a job for another day. I took the opportunity to discard some books. I never thought I’d see this day happen but one has to show discernment where books are concerned and there were some “works” by Clarkson and AA Gill that I have no time for as well as some other rubbish.

book case with history books

History books

fiction books

Fiction books

poetry and biography books

Poetry, plays and biography

books to be given to charity shop

Books for taking to charity shop

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