dawn chorus began circa ten to five

The dawn chorus began circa ten to five this morning. The milkman came much earlier at oh three twenty two. I wonder if milkie is tucked up in bed by the time the birds get going. They will certainly wait until he has gone before pecking the milk bottle tops although you don’t get that with semi skimmed and ours is left in the porch anyway.

It being a lovely day I have discarded my jeans and am in a very fetching pair of blue shorts. Polished off the usual healthy breakfast and now at it in da shed. A few adminny bits to do before starting the day.

For some reason I’ve closed the shed doors but the morning is so nice this is not necessary. THG will stop by soon on her morning inspection so she can leave the doors open when she is finished 🙂 I’m told the cukes aren’t doing very well. Only one out of six plants flourishing. We have two batches of peas. The first, quite small, lot can go out when the runner beans go in, if you get my drift. The second batch is just starting to emerge.

Today’s birdsong was brought to you by the Eurasian Wren, the Common Chiffchaff, Common Chaffinch and the Eurasian Blackbird.

In other news, my order of  “Droppings, Dung & Scats of Southern African Wildlife (Paperback)” which I placed on the 15th February still hasn’t rocked up. I’ve just nudged Waterstones. There is a glaring hole on the shed bookshelf where the book is destined to sit.

In even more news my Roku stick has given up the ghost. It started playing up when trying to cope with live sport. Then it had issues with Spotify and finally stopped playing audio when streaming movies. I was running the most recent software and a factory reset has just well and truly jiggered it.

The issue is should I bother with a replacement? The telly has most of the apps and I can stream Spotify onto the Chromecast. Ditto NowTV.

Out in the garden a butterfly flutters by. Fluttersbye. The apple trees are still resplendent with blossom. This week is their chance to get pollinated.

Decided I’d take a stroll to Tesco to buy some ham, bean salad and a cauliflower. Now my fave ham, apart from the ones I cook myself, is the Waitrose orange and marmalade ham but Tescos is nearer and on this occasion opted to go there. However they don’t have a deli counter at Tesco so everything is prepackaged and therefore not as good as Waitrose.

Now it turns out that my third fave ham is tinned ham. This I think is a childhood hangover. I could easily eat a whole tin of ham in one sitting. This would not impress the THG so I tend not to. Anyway I checked out the options online before going and apart from a variety of SPAM derivatives Tesco offer a choice of two brands of tinned ham.

Their own Tesco Danish Ham was £2.75 for 340g and weighs in with 83% pork. The alternative Princes Pear Ham comes in more expensive at £3.00 for 325g and only contains 62% pork! Truly a no brainer. 62% pork!!! They both come with a load of preservative crap but I’m a grown up and I go into these things with my eyes open.

So I got to Tesco and purchased said tin of Tesco Danish Ham. The only very mild eyebrow raiser was that the label on the shelf said the price was £3.20. I flagged down a “colleague” who having had the discrepancy pointed out to him, was able by using his handy app to confirm that  the more attractive £2.75 applied.

I wonder how much of the cost of the Danish ham is down to post Brexshit red tape.

PS At lunch whilst consuming ham with salad I dropped a bit of tomato on my white shirt front, complete with dressing. Worramilike!

Lawn mowed. Takes ten minutes to start the mower these days. Needs a service but it ain’t getting one. Next up is scarifying, now that the weather is nice. Then planting my wild flower lawn.

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