where art collides philosoperontap

September 26, 2016

Lincoln Drill Hall for a

Filed under: chinks — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 8:05 am

David Starkey lecture

Excellent night at the Drill Hall to see historian David Starkey. His lecture was about how the Tudors chose their successors. Lots of plotting, getting competitors out of the loop. He drew a parallel with the Brexit situation in the UK. There was an equally large event in the reign of Henry VIII with the English reformation and the split from Europe and the Catholic Church.

I asked him whether there was anything in history that pointed to economic unrest following the separation. In Tudor times there were massive problems, as much down to the dismantling of the mechanisms of raising cash by (the very much disliked) Henry VII rather than the separation from Europe as far as I could see.

I was pleased to note that the walk back up the hill, whilst not totally effortless was relatively straightforward. The legacy of 12 days on the trail with the coast to coast.

This morning I am back on the southbound train headed for the LONAP AGM. I like these LONAP meetings as the folk there are all a really nice crowd. We have a few beers afterwards needless to say. I get into Kings Cross and will have a roughly 30 minute walk. Only issue with that is the leather shoes I’m wearing not really being suited to walking the city streets but I’ll be fine.

In the meantime it’s a full English with toast on the train.

Rumours on the wire that there’s going to be an announcement at 07.45 re labour party split. It’s now 07.53 and nothing has happened. Ah well.

The house was quite cool this morning when I got up to make the tea, at 06.30. Another sign that the Summer is behind us. I have my LONAP fleece with me. No rain forecast. Just cooler weather. Like.


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