Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

So tired. Sleep for me

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

Sounds like the opening line of a song doesn’t it? So tired. Sleep for me. Sung to a similar tune to “willow weep for me” but different. The melody needs to reflect the state of the person saying the words.

The words themselves don’t tell us the whole story. It could be that the person has been working very long hours with still some time to go or it could be that someone has a deeper problem that is preventing them from sleep.

The body keeps going, somehow and the brain which is notionally awake, is in a state of suspension unable to think clearly.

In this case I don’t know the answer. I picked the words up from twitter, itself the domain of the sleepless during the long, lonely, struggling hours of the midnight watch. I could perhaps read the person’s twitter stream for clues but I am happy that it is best left unread, unsolved, leaving us wondering.

Another chink in the curtain of the night.